Floral and Fading

Rage in us

Your thirst I’m taking

Pull the plug I’ll keep on shaking

The feeling of  rage within yourself can greatly sip away from your energy and spirit leaving you helpless and without any confidence. This rage will serve as ammunition that your negative emotions will use to keep you down.

Everybody has most likely already experienced at least one moment in their lives wherein you are just simply disappointed yourself, but did you ever take a moment to consider why you felt that way? Was it because you failed to do something that was important to you? Was it because you disappointed someone else, someone important? Were your expectations simply too high to begin with? These three statements are usually the most common answers, the feeling of disappointment is a hefty emotion that can lead anyone to more serious matters such as depression and the depletion of one’s self-esteem and spirit. The negative spiral of emotions you feel after failure can be likened to the feeling of fading, it usually comes after you set your sights towards something but simply fell short of your goal, the over confidence in a person’s attitude is what usually leads to this negative shift.

And thrustin’ about your apartment

Drowned on the blankets floral and fading

Painful lust, two aching guts

They tear through each other in the mirror

The empty room of sadness that depression leads you into can be attributed to feeling of fading away after a moment of joy and floral thoughts, this state of mind can drive anyone insane and into a deeper feeling of misery to the point that every time you see yourself in the mirror all you can perceive is your short comings and your flaws. The feeling of depression is common nowadays and should never ever be taken lightly, because doing so can lead to very serious repercussions.

The best way for you to escape the scary state of sadness and depression is to simply find the strength to forgive yourself, at first you might feel that it is above you to move on forward after disappointing yourself and other people around you, however that is simply not the case. Instead you should focus on the learning you get from these mistakes and do better on future endeavors. Self forgiveness is very critical to a persons well-being, because the failure to do so often leads to self-abuse and other similar problems.

Always keep in mind that feeling bad whenever we make mistakes no matter how big or minuscule it may be is only natural, without this feelings we would then be undermining our mistakes and make light of them which can become way worse than the feeling of your guilt.

This happy vacation

There’s no motivation

To hold me up

After tasting failure it will become harder to get motivation especially when the said failure is something that you really had your hopes on. Losing your motivation can be considered as the worst thing to happen to someone, losing your motivation to do something and pursue you dreams can be a critical hit to your progression as an individual. With our best efforts it is crucial that we forgive ourselves and still hold on to our aspiration and gather enough strength to move forward.

Always face the truth of the situation, don’t deny the reality of your failure instead you should embrace it and use it as fuel for Growth.

Keep in mind as well that bouncing back from your losses and achieving the dreams you failed to reach the first time will only feel better because you have already once met failure defeat and will then realize that victory tastes better if you have truly worked hard for it.

You say you want to chase the moon like fire

Well, together we can fake our own deaths here

Just want to be alone and watch as you all just disappear

Having a far off dream is never bad thing, right? Having an over-confident attitude in yourself and thinking that you can achieve anything is good for you, right? Well technically having enough self-esteem to believe in your dreams and yourself is not really bad for you, sometimes it can be very beneficial in actually achieving your dreams, the what is the bad thing about them? The negative side of this is when you fail to live up to the standards you set for yourself, when you fail to reach your big goals and when you fail to live up to the hype you surrounded yourself in, that is when your mind will be drowned in a raging ocean of reality. Falling off your high horse and face planting into concrete is the best way to describe this feeling in particular, because the higher you set your standards to, the harder it will hurt once you actually fail.

Does this mean that having confidence in yourself is bad? Not actually, the bad thing is having too much arrogance and hubris to the point where you can’t live up to it anymore, having big dreams is never negative, in fact that is how most people in life succeed. So keep in mind that always be knowledgeable about a situation first before boasting your claims, always try to be accurate as possible so you don’t get your hopes up to high and most importantly if you are going to talk the talk then you should also be able to walk the walk.

Another important detail to keep in mind is that when you are feeling sad or depressed, never keep it to your self, it is essential that you talk to someone especially your loved ones such as your family and friends or even a professional in order to keep your feelings at bay, inability to do so will most likely lead to your own downfall. Telling someone your story and feelings or expressing them through a medium will help your cause greatly.


credits to the song owner: Floral and Fading – Pierce the Veil

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